Mercury is the second-fastest planet (the Moon is the fastest) to travel along the zodiac, and is the most frequent planet to go retrograde - 3 to 4 times a year for about 20 days every time.
The general effect of Mercury going retrograde is that it is a time of:
1) Re-examining opportunities we may have overlooked or are currently pursuing;
2) Studying how to improve your communication style;
3) Analyzing how to optimize own material reality so it’s running more smoothly in order to make our life more enjoyable.
This is a time to re-organize and adjust to what is or isn’t working as you play the game of life, which typically involves how to better achieve prosperity by making better financial decisions, formulating new business ideas, and advancing in education or learning new skills.

These are the general effects, but everybody will experience Mercury retrograde differently because it will be affecting a specific area of our natal chart.
In the video below you'll see that Mercury is retrograding over this person's 8th House Cusp and gets within 1° of his natal Sun, meaning this Mercury retrograde will be focused on re-assessing his 8th House and his Sun (detailed effects of all House Cusps and Planets below).
So every time Mercury goes retrograde find out the exact range of degrees on the zodiac Mercury will be retrograding and see if there is a planet or House Cusp in that range.
Here are the effects of Mercury retrograding over the 12 House Cusps and the planets:
1st House: Focus on learning more about oneself and analyzing one's thoughts; managing your career path and direction in life; improving one’s physique as well as mental acuity/cognition/general intelligence; acquiring important skills and abilities needed to get ahead.
2nd House: Re-organizing priorities and familial responsibilities; managing money and seeing new financial possibilities; focus on economic practicalities and finite resources that make daily life work; making new friends or re-connecting with old friends.
3rd House: Obtaining new skills and techniques that improve your material life; improving communication style and writing skills; a desire to travel; optimizing relationships with co-workers or siblings; intellectual stimulation and increased curiosity in general; heightened interest in media and improving information gathering and data analysis.
4th House: Managing domestic affairs and projects around the house; objective analysis of one’s emotional needs; how to become more prosperous beyond daily needs; managing wealth and fixed assets such as real estate.
5th House: Reorganizing investment strategy; focus on creative projects and activities that bring spontaneity and joy; intellectual stimulation and improving cognition; improving spiritual practices; analyzing decisions based on speculative information; heightened romance and playful attitude.
6th House: Managing debts; improving one’s health and experimenting with new healing techniques; how to intelligently tackle daily obstacles; examining how to serve others and be useful; improving one’s ability handling technical details; improving ability for analyzing data and concrete information; litigation or legal issues.
7th House: Foreign travel; re-examining business opportunities and potential partnerships; communication style with one’s significant other; communication with the public; analyzing ability to make deals and negotiation techniques.
8th House: Managing spouse’s/other people’s money; litigation and legal battles; investigating the occult; deep research into vitality and health; experimenting with psychoanalysis and improving one's mental health.
9th House: Exploring and re-examining one’s philosophical beliefs; communication with one’s parents and teachers; increasing higher education and managing potential learning opportunities ; studying the law and divine justice; increased intellectual stimulation.
10 House: Examining professional opportunities and career goals; exploring new job opportunities; communication with superiors; new skills and techniques to improve job performance; re-organizing the practicalities of work life.
11th House: Assessing long-term hopes and desires; managing one’s income intelligently; gaining notoriety for skills and technical ability; increased networking in professional circles to get ahead; intellectual exchanges with friends or groups; increasing one’s social circle and social opportunities.
12th House: Examining how to save money and invest wisely; contemplation or meditation about the best paths forward in life; solitary and deep research about oneself or one’s interests; assessing spiritual life.
Mercury retrograding over your natal:
Sun: Managing one’s power and authority; communication strategies that promote stability and mutual respect; ability to express one’s Divine Masculine; managing important work and familial responsibilities; assessing ability to gain economically based on one’s natural talents; assessing career ambitions and ability to express one’s true Self (soul); assessing confidence level and self-esteem.
Moon: Managing one’s mental stability and emotional imbalances; healing one’s sense of “I” (ego) consciousness where needed; assessing one’s ability to express one’s Divine Feminine; communication strategies with one’s mother and maternal figures; education oneself about emotions and the logic behind why one feels a certain emotion; strong impulses towards self-education and self-knowledge.
Mars: Managing ability to resolve conflicts reasonably, effectively and with patience; re-strategizing current problems and the best options to fix them; assessing ability for self-discipline; assessing communication styles with co-workers and siblings; managing real estate and fixed assets; assessing one’s positive and negative character qualities and how to improve one’s basic character; assessing the strength of one’s will and how to use it.
Mercury: Reconsidering friendships; assessing economic life and finances; learning new skills and thoughts about furthering education; improving research skills; experimenting with new ideas and increased curiosity about topics of one’s interests and hobbies; assessing ability at multi-tasking; intellectual stimulation and making the most out of life's opportunities.
Jupiter: Assessing wealth building and wealth management skills; seeking new higher learning opportunities; interests towards children and managing one’s children; how to manifest one’s thoughts into reality; philosophical thoughts and expanding one’s worldview; assessing what stimulates one intellectually; heightened ability for listening to others; a focus on grammar and improving language skills/writing.
Venus: Assessing positives and negatives about one’s relationships; managing physical possessions; assessing fulfillment with one’s current lifestyle; interest in literature and story-telling; managing vehicles; increased awareness of one’s business acumen and how to improve business relationships; how to add playfulness, humor and fun into one’s relationship.
Saturn: Managing debts; assessing what is not working fluidly in one’s life to make it more enjoyable and avoiding those things; removing negative thought patterns; seeing opportunities during difficult periods of time; time management techniques.
