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Venus Retrograde Effects on Natal House Cusps and Planets

Writer: Jean MichelJean Michel

Venus goes retrograde along the zodiac approximately every 18 months for about 40 days.

The general effects of Venus retrograde are:

1) Making lifestyle changes to find more balance and harmony in your life;

2) Evaluating whether the time, energy and money you are investing into people or things is worth what you are receiving;

3) Assessing your self-worth and the value you bring to others and to the world;

4) Evaluating the health of the important relationships in your life;

5) Noticing your overall sense of fulfillment.

Common questions that you will be asking yourself during Venus retrograde are: "Am I getting the best possible deal in this situation? Am I giving more than I'm receiving? What do I deserve to receive from this relationship? What can I do to elevate my overall sense of happiness?"

These are the general effects, but everybody will experience Venus retrograde differently because it will be affecting a specific area of your natal chart.

In the video below you'll see that Venus is retrograding over this person's natal Mercury and 8th House Cusp, meaning this Venus retrograde will be focused on re-assessing the Mercury in his consciousness and his 8th House (detailed effects of all House Cusps and Planets below).

So every time Venus goes retrograde find out the exact range of degrees on the zodiac Venus will be retrograding and see if there is a planet or House Cusp in that range.

Here are the effects of Venus retrograding over the 12 House Cusps and the planets:

1st House: Evaluating the benefits/detriments of one’s current life path and career; changes to physical appearance, clothing, hairstyle, etc; thoughts how to make positive and agreeable impressions on others; diplomacy over conflict; reflecting on romantic relationships and forming win-win situations within them.

2nd House: Assessing fulfillment received from family members; evaluating important responsibilities; evaluating one’s diet and eating habits; balancing finances; re-affirming self-worth; importance of material possessions, comforts and luxuries in one’s life; evaluating spending habits.

3rd House: Enjoyment received from hobbies; assessing agreeableness with co-workers and siblings; becoming a student and taking on a new educational path; desire to enjoy quality entertainment; interests in performance especially dance; desires to beautify one’s immediate surroundings/neighborhood/community;

4th House: Vehicular re-assessments; evaluating domestic happiness and emotional health and fulfillment; assessing one’s spending on furniture, vehicles, luxury items, and art; evaluating the relationship with one's mother and maternal figures; desire to beautify one's home.

5th House: Evaluating the quality of romance in one’s life; balancing one’s investment portfolio; determining the fulfillment from one’s creative pursuits and creative self-expression especially in the fine arts such as painting and design; desiring more pleasurable and fun experiences with a partner and/or with children.

6th House: Evaluating one’s lifestyle choices that effect health, dietary habits and digestion; assessing one’s ability to resolve relationship conflicts using diplomacy; lifestyle changes to create a balance between work and relaxation; evaluating one’s ability to serve others; interests in physical and psychological healing techniques; assessing one's stress levels and how to reduce stress overall.

7th House: Evaluating the fulfillment received from one’s sex life, romantic relationships, dating habits, or one’s marriage; improving business relationships and creating win-win negotiations; determining one’s peacemaking ability and conflict resolution; long-distance travel for pleasure or business.

8th House: Evaluating the depth of one’s bond with one’s partner; assessing one’s core vitality; healing chronic diseases; balancing finances and spending habits with one’s partner; uncovering hidden psychological and emotional imbalances.

9th House: Evaluating what one is devoted to, such as one’s marriage, career or spiritual path; assessing the quality of the relationship with one’s parents and teachers; evaluating how one attracts fortune and grace into one’s life; increasing religious devotion and evaluating one's beliefs and ideals; thoughts on obtaining higher knowledge through art, poetry and literature; pilgrimages to holy sites or traveling for educational purposes.

10th House: Evaluating the relationship with one’s father and other authority figures; thoughts about the happiness and overall fulfillment at one’s place of work; balancing one’s work-relaxation routine; how to work harmoniously with others; evaluating one's reputation and how to improve one's attractiveness towards others.

11th House: Evaluating overall fulfillment in achieving desires; improving relationships in larger social contexts and networking with prestigious individuals; spending more time attending parties or social gatherings; evaluating income and how to increase it in a balanced rather than rigorous way; desires to enjoy the finer things in life beyond work.

12th House: Vacations and evaluating the quality of one’s time off; evaluating expenses and strategies to save money; assessing one’s ability to connect to higher spiritual energies; acknowledging the need for more recreation; how to improve one’s sexual pleasure and sex life; assessing the quality of one’s sleep habits and exploring one’s dreams.

Venus retrograding over natal:

Sun: Evaluating whether one’s romantic relationships are in line with one’s soul path; relationship with authority figures and father figures; creating a healthy work-play balance; career and mental health reassessment; balancing and reducing stress related to work.

Moon: Evaluating emotional health of one’s relationship; focus on the relationship with one’s mother and maternal figures; assessing ego-centric motives that may be harming relationships; heightened awareness of one’s physical and emotional needs; increased desires for comfort; increased devotion to religion or spiritual beliefs; thoughts on piety and modesty; healing personal traumas.

Mars: Heightened passions, desires and increased sex drive; increased desire and ability to fulfill desires; evaluating the health of romantic/sexual relationships; how to bring more diplomacy when resolving conflicts; potential for heightened conflict in personal relationships; balancing the use of one’s will-power; improving one’s health through physical exercise and training.

Mercury: Focus on economic and financial fulfillment; fulfillment with friendship groups or seeking to make new friends; awareness of the need to create win-win business relationships; evaluating the fulfillment received from hobbies and interests; desires to learn new skills or take on a new educational path; renewed focus on health and physical healing such as improving diet.

Jupiter: Assessing overall happiness with one’s life; balancing finances and wealth; heightened desire to obtain spiritual fulfillment; evaluating one’s philosophy and worldview; seeking time for deep contemplation; desire to expand knowledge and pursue new educational paths.

Venus: Lifestyle adjustments related to health, well-being and achieving psychological balance; assessing the quality and fulfillment received from current relationships; desires for vacation or time off; evaluating one’s self-worth and the value you bring to the world.

Saturn: Assessing ability to see beyond the faults of one’s partner; improving the quality of time spent with one’s partner; assessing one’s long-term plans especially the goals of a relationship; evaluating desires and what desires to detach from; learning from setbacks to create more balanced approach to life.

Yantra of Venus
Yantra of Venus


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