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Single Subject Predictions

Future predictions are an integral part of Vedic astrology. Advice from the astrologer about the planetary influences regarding your specific question can give clarity, direction, and can help us make wise decisions moving forward.


The moment I read your question, I cast a chart which will give me the planetary information necessary to answer the question. This is called a Prashna reading (Western astrologers call this an Horary reading).


I use the Tajika system of Prashna, which is a Persian system preserved in northern India. Tajika astrology actually contains the foundational techniques of Western / Hellenistic / Greek Astrology.


What are some common questions that a Prashna reading can answer?


• Will I get the promotion? Will I make more money soon?

• Am I pregnant? Will I have a safe pregnancy?

• I am sick, when will I get better?

• Will I be able to sell my house/move to a new place?

• Will my farm have a bountiful crop this year?




Directions for Requesting a Prashna Reading:


1) Before submitting a payment - send me a direct email at asking your question.

2) Upon reading your email I will cast the Prashna chart to answer the question. I will send a follow-up email requesting the payment of $75. 

3) Send payment via the options below.

4) Once I receive the confirmation of the payment I will begin work on your case.

5) We will schedule the meeting to discuss the answer to your question. I prefer to discuss the answer within 1 - 3 days of your question (depending on our schedules).


Why ask the question before sending the payment? 

The timing of the question being asked, and my first reading the question, are very important. I prefer to receive the question and cast the chart before dealing with payments in order to preserve the integrity of the timing of the Prashna.


Each Prashna reading includes a one-on-one virtual meeting with me.


*Virtual meetings are typically 45 minutes.

Prediction - Single Subject - $75

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After the payment has been processed you will receive a direct email from me asking for your birth information and specific topics you would like to discuss during the reading.


Please allow 5 to 7 days for written reports. After I send the written report we can schedule a virtual meeting. If there is no written report included, please allow 7-10 business days from the time of purchase/confirmation email until the meeting date.


All sales are final.

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